I am Portfleet, an illustrator and animator based in Co. Cork, Ireland, originally from The Netherlands.
I create colourful, inclusive and clear illustrations and animations for healthcare and scientific settings. I make animations and illustrations for the NHS in the UK and also collaborate with the sustainable fashion collective Beautiful Freak Fashion Lab and Cocoon Cocoon in London. 
I also create cards, prints and commissioned portraits and tattoos. These works are made with watercolours, oil paint, coloured pencil, Indian ink and fine liners to create whimsical characters and worlds. In order to keep my footprint low, I stay away from plastic packaging and use recycled materials and tree-free paper where possible.
Clients include 
• NHS Guy's Cancer Academy (UK) 
• Karkinos Healthcare (India) 
•​​​​​​ ​Wageningen University & Research (NL) 
•​​​​​​​ University of Wisconsin at Madison (USA) and Cardiff University (UK) 
•​​​​​​​ Instituut van de Nederlandse Taal (NL) 
•​​​​​​​ Taalunie (NL) 
•​​​​​​​ Beautiful Freak Fashion Lab London (UK) 
•​​​​​​​ Cocoon Cocoon (UK)​​​​​​​
Get in touch via portfleetdraws[at]gmail.com or on instagram @portfleetdraws.
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